Packing up your closet!
The most daunting of all packing; packing your clothes.
It can be tough trying to decide the things you want to wear all summer long when you return home. You have to pack away an entire wardrobe of clothes you won't have until you return to school (if you don't live nearby), and most likely these items will be heavy winter items; coats, boots, snow gear, etc. things you can easily go without for the summer.
If you find yourself overwhelmed with clothes and shoes, maybe it is time to clean out your closet! It is the perfect time to shed some of the clothes you haven't been getting much use of, return things you've borrowed throughout the year and make room for new things to come!
Luckily, whether you're getting rid of items or not, our boxes can store your wardrobe plus much more. Into this one box we fit 7 pairs of jeans 10 t-shirts, 3 sweatshirts, bedding, sheets, towels and even a trash can. It is all about making use of your space.
What to do vs. What not to do
Make sure you fill the available space in your box up until where the crease is for each flap. Leaving this space allows for the flaps to come together so they can be securely taped shut.
Once you've packed up your clothes and taped the boxes you are one step closer to summer!
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