Defrost That Mini-Fridge!

You will need to defrost your mini fridge before putting it into storage. The fridge should be defrosted about 48 hours prior to your pick up – this will allow enough time for the fridge to completely defrost and dry. It is good practice defrost your fridge when it will be left unattended for long periods of time – ie Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks.

·         To defrost, remove all items from inside the fridge and discard.
·         Unplug the fridge, and prop the door open. Place a towel inside the fridge to collect any moisture. (If you have an extremely frosty freezer place a tray below it to collect the water as the ice melts.)
·         Leave the fridge overnight to defrost
·         The next morning, remove damp towels, and empty any trays of water. Then wipe down the inside of the fridge with a dry cloth or paper towels to remove any remaining moisture.

Also clean and shelves, racks and drawers inside the fridge. This can be done with warm soapy water and a sponge. Be sure to completely dry the racks, shelves, and drawers before returning them to the fridge.
Leave the door to your fridge open until it is completely dry. Moisture left inside the fridge can cause mold and bacteria…Yuck!


  1. You might want to consider having a mini fridge without freezer so you can put more things on your fridge.


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